It’s so easy to be tempted by the gadgets on offer for yarn crafters, with the manufacturers claiming that they’ll make crafting quicker and easier and suggesting that we can’t possibly live without them! But are they really necessary and do we actually use them, or do they just end up taking up valuable space in our already crammed-full craft bags, or drawers?
I’ve found myself being tempted by many a craft gadget over the years and some have been more useful than others. In this post, I’ll be talking about the sorts of tools available, the benefits and my own thoughts around the value of extra equipment.
The basic tools for knitting and crocheting
For complete beginners, all that’s really needed for knitting is a pair of needles, yarn and a pattern. It’s similar for crocheting, with a hook, yarn, a needle and a pattern being the only essentials.
As our skills and experience increase, then the natural next step up is to buy a wider range of hooks or needles, different gauges of yarn and a variety of patterns.
So, what else is available and what are the benefits?
Needle threaders
The simplest type of needle threader is made from a diamond-shaped, thin wire loop, held together by a small piece of plastic or tin. It involves inserting the wire loop through the eye of the needle, then placing the thread in the loop, before pulling it back through the eye of the needle. Threader tools or magnifying needle-threaders are also available, along with self-threading needles.
- They can save time and effort
- They can be helpful for people with bad eyesight, shakes, or arthritis
- Needle threaders are relatively cheap and readily available
However, the drawbacks are that they’re not particularly suitable for needles with tiny eye holes, or for using with thicker thread. They are also easily breakable.
Stitch/row counters
These are small clips, rings or loops that can be placed directly onto stitches or knitting needles. You can also find digital versions, and those that fit on a finger rather than a needle.
- Removes the need to go back and count stitches or rows
- Saves time and effort
A gauge tool measures the number of stitches and rows per inch of finished fabric.
- Increases the accuracy
- Helps to create a better fit for knitted and crocheted garments
Pom-pom makers
These are made from a variety of materials and can help you to create different shapes and sizes of pom-poms, for hats, bags and clothes.
- Saves time and effort
- Keeps the pom-poms even
Yarn winders and swifts
A yarn winder can be used alone, or with a swift. A yarn winder and swift are luxury items.
‘Using a yarn winder and swift is the easiest way to wind up a skein of yarn. These tools help to wind the yarn into a center-pull ball, which sits flat to make it easy to work with.’ The Creative Folk
- Saves time and effort
- Reduces the risk of knots
In conclusion
As an experienced yarn crafter, my belief is that you don’t need anything else other than the basics, but some of the other tools available are good fun, or make life easier.
I would class pom-pom makers as almost essential for me, as it’s so easy to whip up pom-poms with them. I also love using my swift and winder as a form of mindfulness and fun, but they really are a luxury!
Finally, this year I’m loving keeping track of all of my craft projects in my Yarny Bees Craft Journal! I’ve designed it to be used for beginners and for advanced crafters, to keep information about all craft projects in one place. More information about the Yarny Bees Craft Journals can be found here.
‘The Proper Use of Needle Threaders Pros and Cons’ Goldstar Tool Cutting and Sewing Supplies, David Akhamzadeh, 13/4/13
‘7 Best Yarn Winders And Swifts Of 2022’ The Creative Folk, by Emily, January 6, 2021