Scrappy Basket


These are unique, one-of-a-kind baskets, made from our leftover yarn scraps. This product helps to make Yarny Bees closer to zero waste as even the smallest cotton scraps from our other makes are used to make these baskets.

Sold at a discounted rate, they are a great way to get yourself a never-to-be-repeated version of our ever popular baskets.

This page will be updated with any scrappy baskets we have available, but due to their nature, they will not always be available.

Pictures are clearly labelled and will be deleted once sold.

Small: diameter – 11cm, height – 11cm

Medium: diameter – 20cm, height – 12cm

Sizes are approximate due to the nature of using different yarns.

SKU: N/A Categories: ,


These are unique, one-of-a-kind baskets, made from our leftover yarn scraps. This product helps to make Yarny Bees closer to zero waste as even the smallest cotton scraps from our other makes are used to make these baskets.

Sold at a discounted rate, they are a great way to get yourself a never-to-be-repeated version of our ever popular baskets.

This page will be updated with any scrappy baskets we have available, but due to their nature, they will not always be available.

Pictures are clearly labelled and will be deleted once sold.

Small: diameter – 11cm, height – 11cm

Medium: diameter – 20cm, height – 12cm

Sizes are approximate due to the nature of using different yarns.

Additional information


Medium, Small


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